Monday, June 6, 2011

Mercy me (For the lack of a better title)

It's been a while since the last post. Well a little longer. Ok maybe it's been 422 days to be exact. But that doesn't mean I haven't been updating my Facebook! A lot has happened since the last time I logged into this blog. If you want to read all of the lovey dovey details then feel free to read the next few paragraphs. If you want a four word summary of the past year, here it is (in chronological order).
  1. Full time job
  2. New team
  3. Two Part Time Jobs 
  4. Engaged
Who knows if all of those were the key events but they are the easiest to write about ad flow quite nicely together. So, as for the details, here it goes. This may not be in exact chronological order but you will get the gist of it by the end...hopefully. 

Full time job-

Following my graduation from St. Edward's University and being in a committed relationship I decided to put my big boy pants on and head out into the real world. This brought me to an internship and eventual full time job with a little company making a big stir in the Austin tech industry, Bazaarvoice. I would explain it but that is what the website is for so I will go ahead, let you click on the blue word and wait here (hopefully you'll come back....ok, you done? My job role is "Financial Analyst," that at least sounds important right?

New Team-

Shortly after signing all of the paper work and going through benefits training (I'm still confused as to which insurance premium I should have chosen) I was in talks with Mercy Cycling to bring me on board as one of their elite riders. Needless to say, the talks went well and I signed with the team in February. It is a wonderful organization with a great mission and an awesome group of elite riders that I don't mind being crammed into a van for countless hours with.

Two Part Time Jobs-

Having a full time job and being on a cycling team that travels all over the country...that sounds like a great idea but isn't exactly feasibly possible.  After trying my hand at both for a while, and becoming exhausted to the point that I made myself sick, I decided that I could be a really good financial analyst or a really good bike racer, just not both at the same time. So, after the little, mature, financial analyst man in my head waged war with the incredibly good looking cyclist man in my head, I decided to take off the big boy pants and pursue cycling for a few more years. It may have not been the smartest move in the books but if I didn't do it I fear I would regret it later in life.

As of now, I work part time at Pedal Hard Training Center and part time at Bazzarvoice.


Yes, the "single" towel was thrown in. It's funny what women do to men. I swear I can't think straight when I am around this one. There were no existing plans of being married or even getting relatively serious with a member of the opposite sex for quite some time...until I met this one.
-Enter Miss Kelly Hobson
She's a nice girl from a small town in South Africa. She likes being fit and hanging out outdoors, long walks, and (like me) bubble baths. She works at Facebook here in Austin as an account manager/all around bad-ass and yes, she rides bikes...Unfortunately, she has competed in a number of triathlons, but we don't talk about that...

So, now that everyone is up to speed, time to lather up the sun-screen and head out on the trusty steed.

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