Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tulsa Tough and Nature Valley

This may be kind of long and may or may not contain a few curse words, but here it goes.

So Tulsa Tough was...tough. Like every other NRC race this year (with the exception of Joe Martin) it rained. It's weird how it rains in the rest of the nation. I might actually have to by a rain cape when I get back, gasp. Friday night was scary as hell. Saturday night was fast as hell, and Sunday was just plain ol' hard. I love Sunday's course and was in position until 3 crashes happened in the last 1.5 laps...bummer. I had the Go Pro camera mounted to my bars and will upload the video when I get to a computer. Right now I am sitting in a car driving from Minneapolis to Menomonie (trying to learn how to say the name of the place).

Nature valley is going ok. The time trial didn't go well (it rained) so I am just here to help our GC leader (the fabulous Brad Cole) out for the remainder of the race. Wednesday's crit was hard/technical. My legs felt good heading into the finishing circuits of the blazing fast, 66 mile road race on Thursday. Our average that day was 28.5 mph...

Unfortunately my legs did not feel very good after I ate asphalt cooking it around the final turn going exactly 35.8 mph. A Kelly Benefits guy overcooked the turn, went into the grass, and proceeded to come straight back into the pack and my front wheel. I was sandwiched between a Bissel guy and the KBS guy and had nothing to do except shred my front wheel in someone skewer. It's funny how time slows down when your skin is being burned off and your watching your brand new Oakleys bounce along behind you about to be annihilated by the charging field. I thought I was going to safely get a top 10/15 but apparently even the front of a bike race isn't safe. DON'T WORRY, the bike is ok. Despite the bars being bent and my front Reynolds wheel exploding...After getting a neutral bike and rolling across the proceeded to the med-tent. Unfortunately, none of the pretty ladies there were that interested in doctoring my little bum-bum :(

I would post road rash pics but really, you dont want to look at my butt. Let's just say my jersey is ruined and there is a gaping hole the size of my head in the left cheek of my bibs...laterally. I will, however, post one of one of the medics bandaging my butt up before last night's crit!

Oh yeah, that guys is touching my bare a**!

Friday's crit was fun. My ass didn't hurt too bad and we managed to find some new handlebars and get my Trek running again. The team had good position in the top 20 guys going into 6 laps to go when a crash there a recurring theme here? Jeez.

Now we are headed to Wisconsin for a 100 mile road the rain. I am currently researching how to grow gills in order to process oxygen from all of the water that will be slapping me in the face today.

Tomorrow's stage is supposed to be a doozie. Im looking forward to it.

Well, we're here so I'm going to end this boring update and put very carefully stretch my bibs over my torn up butt.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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